I had a bit called the Do Not Worry Lemonade I Have Had Both My Shots Shirt Bargain Bin. Where I would just improv something stupid, mostly stupid made up on-the-spot spells. My favorite was a bag of holding that held exactly as much as a bag of that volume would hold. What I didn’t expect was them getting creative. They just made the bag bigger by sewing more onto it, and then rolled it up. Still cumbersome, as I forced extra turns to use the thing if they wanted to use it in combat, but was a great laugh at how they undermined my bullshit. Since it weighs 15 pounds regardless of internal weight, it was still a tool. Frost sock: Everyone’s feet became blocks of ice. They did it, and immediately nat 20’d on a melee.
Do Not Worry Lemonade I Have Had Both My Shots Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt, And Hoodie
So I went with it caused enemies’ feet to detach from their Do Not Worry Lemonade I Have Had Both My Shots Shirt ankles. And stay stuck to the floor. A swarm of flies: just a swarm of flies, no damage. Just annoying. They used it inside a tavern to create a wild distraction and made their own entrance into the plot-related area. Bounty weapons: a spell that creates a magical barrier that prevents the weapon from ever making contact with anything. Has to be done while holding the weapon. So they just snuck into a guard’s armory and did it to all their weapons, and then robbed a bank. I still threw them some curveballs like it still caused a knockback and ‘well this guy owns his own weapons and kept them at his house that night, so he can still stabby stabby’.
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