Life is not utterly hopeless. That’s the Hot Basketball Italian National Flag Mid Air Slam Dunk Shirt depression talking. Objectively, doom is inevitable. Even if all of the world’s problems were solved overnight, the universe is still destined to be destroyed. Heat death, for instance, if nothing else snuffs the universe out first. At some point between now and then, all life will go extinct. There is no stopping this. Thanos was right. He could even just create separate planets or solar systems to relocate people. What a wall of self-pitying garbage. You’re not content being hopeless, you want to infect others? But trying to convince others? Just plain cruel.
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Nah, Thanos was a fascist that Hot Basketball Italian National Flag Mid Air Slam Dunk Shirt had the power to do almost anything to fix the issue but chose to just commit genocide. No matter how dark, gritty, and edgy a superhero movie gets, nobody is allowed to say. Maybe free condoms and birth control, and reducing child mortality, could fix overpopulation without murder. We have to pull each other through, not pull each other down. If you really think it’s all doom and gloom, gotcha, but others have things to fight for. Don’t tell them they’ve no conscience just because they’re not being a reactionary like you. You shouldn’t give up.
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