One of my best buddies from Lesbian Lips Kissing LGBT Shirt high school called me up. And begged for me to come to get him from a town about three hours away. The idea was he would stay with us for a couple of weeks while he looked for work and then get his own place. Six months later I ended up renting him a room for one month and dropping him off with his junk and wishing him well. His father had warned me he would “drain me dry” and he wasn’t kidding. All those months he was supposedly using my vehicle to look for work he was instead going out to a local bar. Every bottle in our liquor cabinet was drained down to the last finger. The couple came for a weekend to my small apartment…
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Surprised that they brought 3 dogs and a Lesbian Lips Kissing LGBT Shirt extra friend. The puppy took a dump on my floor in the night. Which nobody got up to clean. another dog had a crate but managed. To get a hold of a carpet outside of the crate, drag it in, and shred it. They also chewed up cardboard and wooden furniture. When they left, all the shredded stuff was just where it fell. She stole all of my booze, pissed on my couch, tore up the flower bed to the side of my driveway, and destroyed my guest bathroom. This all happened after I’d fallen asleep, she was a guest of a tenant/roommate and that roommate was told either her friend wasn’t allowed over ever again or she’d have to find a new place to live.
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