My friend asked if her LGBT The Only Choice I Made Be Myself Shirt brother, who I’d never met. That could crash on my couch for the night. Her boyfriend wouldn’t let him stay with them. My roommate and I agreed, just for the night. Then the next night, he fights with the person he supposed to stay with and had to crash on my couch again. Stuff like that kept happening. Then he just stopped trying to find somewhere else to stay and started taking our spare key, staying out till I went to bed, and then coming in and crashing on the couch. His phone was off so I could never reach him when he was out unless he was connected to wifi.
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He got a job at a tattoo parlor and would brag about LGBT The Only Choice I Made Be Myself Shirt how much money he made. But never contributed or saved the money to move out. He blew it all on weed. I seriously don’t know how someone could spend that much on weed. It was a good thing I made him leave. Turns out he was slipping back into old habits. The next person who let him stay with them getting robbed. He’s been in and out of jail. My friend asked if I could help put money on his commissary thing. I hope the guy eventually cleaned up, but it not my mess.
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