At least to stop bringing knives to Lovely Black Cat Skiing Because Murder Is Wrong Shirt gunfights. This. I also want us to stop apologizing for our policy agenda. Republicans are all about limited rights and taking things away. We’re about trusting people to make their own choices and to provide people with a decent standard of living. The party that puts kids in cages abandons our allies to be murdered, can’t wear masks, and wants to tell me what to do with my body can off. I’m proud to support a party that values everyone and wants to provide health care, regardless of a person’s legal status, because it’s the right thing to do.
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Start buying Lovely Black Cat Skiing Because Murder Is Wrong Shirt guns and stop pretending to not be socialists. Too bad a sizeable portion of the country believes them, and another sizeable portion isn’t sure which side to believe because actually researching the bills is too boring. You vastly underestimate how effective is Republican propaganda. Every time, people say, it won’t work again, surely people will remember what just happened. But even today I’m talking to Rs who talk about the Ds’ irresponsible spending. The lie continues to work. I found your problem. Caring about what Republicans think. It’ll work on the people they don’t have a prayer on reaching out to anyhow.
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