In this case, I am more Nice Dear Santa I Wasn’t Aware I Couldn’t Do That Naughty List Shirt so disappointed that they didn’t even release a new weapon. Like, you got the whole issue of sunsetting being received, I guess to be diplomatic, in a mixed response. You have a poor reaction to all the reissues that have occurred this season (one of the biggest arguments people used about why sunsetting was bad). And then, just feeding into that narrative, the two earnable rewards are the same rewards from the last two seasons just with some of the new perks thrown in on the rolls. I mean, sure, neat now they can go to 1360 power, but I also would have appreciated another new earnable piece of loot.
Nice Dear Santa I Wasn’t Aware I Couldn’t Do That Naughty List Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt, And Hoodie
I haven’t really been playing Nice Dear Santa I Wasn’t Aware I Couldn’t Do those Naughty List Shirts much at all since Solstice so I’m looking forward to playing FotL a bit for Horror Story (which I missed the first time around) and Werewolf. I’m happiest with the seasonal events when I think of them as fun diversions and don’t expect to rock my world. Remember when we got Sparrow Racing for Christmas? T. Most things since have felt lacking. General rule, all event holidays in any game all suck. I don’t understand why people like or even participate in them, they’re just fluff and content in the shape of cosmetics. I’m seriously sick of Holiday events. The mummified exotics are earnable.
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