One evening he comes in later Official Unicorn Mom Noun A Mother Who Is Not Perfect Shirt than usual. Hi, how ya doing, I say, though I can tell he is in a foul mood. No harm happens to the best of us. He sits near enough to the well with another agent I didn’t see in there much. Other agents seemed to be having lady troubles and shifty regular had all the wrong answers. In a hushed and angry tone, he said he took care of his own problem 10 years ago. And made sure no one would ever find the bitch. I am reminded of a Malcolm in the Middle episode with Francis (oldest brother) going. Through the same thing at Malcolm’s school event. Two girls were drunk as hell, dancing on an mahogany high table. Really thick beamed and heavy.
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I lost count of how many men my Official Unicorn Mom Noun A Mother Who Is Not Perfect Shirt dad’s age and up will ask me for my number. My most awkward to this day though was a couple who literally followed me. From one bar to the next when I changed jobs, and then asked me to watch their dog for a sec while they went outside….turns out they were breaking up after 10 years together. I still saw them each after that but never on the same day. Like they decided ahead of time who got me when. It was worse than when my parents were separated lmao. That is the lesbian way. If they had made it back to one’s house and made it through breakfast the next morning without a disagreement, they’d probably live together for 30 years.
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