Don’t be I didn’t go for 10 years and had a Snowmobile Mom Like A Normal Mom Only Cooler Bun Girl Shirt part of my tooth broke off. And while I did need some work done and it cost some money. But it’s never too late to go things will only get worse. So you’ll never regret going once you get on a regular schedule again. Plus I spread out my visits so I didn’t just do everything all at once dentists. And hygienists used to people letting it go for a long time. That they are just happy you’re in there to get it taken care of no matter how long.. This! I work in a dental office and the amount of people who brush off an abscessed tooth is way too high. I have one patient who had an abscess for 4-5 YEARS and never got it taken care of because it didn’t hurt.
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It would swell up periodically, he claimed it was due to his Snowmobile Mom Like A Normal Mom Only Cooler Bun Girl Shirt sinus issues. Repeat over and over. Well finally he comes in as an emergency with the entire side of his face swollen up like crazy, my boss personally called the oral surgeon to make him an appointment immediately. Ended up having 3 teeth pulled. Then this guy tries to blame it on us because “we never told him about it”. We had X-rays of it over the last 5 years as well as notations in his chart. Along with numerous copies of referrals to a specialist to take care of it. Not my fault you don’t listen, sir. I’m very happy nothing worse happened to him, but it could have been really bad.
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