Trucker here. I’ve had two blood clots in my Stethoscope American Flag Heart Registered Nurse Shirt legs from driving long distances. And having my leg pressed against the corner of the seat for hours on end. One almost killed me. Apparently, it’s very common with truckers. You’re supposed to stop and walk around every hour and a half to keep things circulating. The same thing happens in gaming chairs apparently. People forget to move their legs because they focused on the game. You don’t need to worry so much if you’re younger, but if you’re a gamer who’s a little older, please be aware. Grapefruit in combination with many — MANY — prescription drugs. Basically, grapefruit can affect the way your medications work.
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With some meds, adding grapefruit screws up the Stethoscope American Flag Heart Registered Nurse Shirt way your body metabolizes the drug. So you end up with far more than the prescribed dosage. It can also work in the opposite way with other drugs, leaving you with less than the prescribed dosage. This is especially bad if you have high blood pressure or arrhythmia. Almost no one knows the bottom of them is a death trap of rotating undercurrent and almost no one knows how to escape one if you do get stuck in it. Even if you do know how to get out you’ll have a hell of a time of it. If a kid gets stuck in one they’re as good as dead, as is anyone who goes in to save them.
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