Again, you are presuming that Top UFO Ask Me About My Butthole Vintage Shirt supply follows current demand. For pharma see. For this to be correct. The tripling in depression diagnoses would be the result of physicians over-diagnosing depression. And over-prescribing medication. Which of these two scenarios seems more likely: physicians decided to start over-prescribing medication. Or that a pandemic and nationwide shutdown that’s shuttered millions of people in their homes. And isolated them caused more people to feel depressed and request treatment? I’d say the latter. How much of this is corona and how much of this is having to watch a once-great country tear itself apart?
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I mean, the rates of people Top UFO Ask Me About My Butthole Vintage Shirts seeking treatment for depression are up in places outside of the US also. Here in Korea, articles were trending a few days ago that said the number of people seeking treatment for depression in the past 6 months is higher than it was for the entirety of last year. There have also been new phrases that are in common use here, corona blue and corona red. Blue refers to the feeling of depression due to the restrictions on daily life and the financial hardships caused by the virus, while Red refers to instances of people becoming more easily angered due to the prolonged situation we are all in.
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