Healing rock does Wirehaired Pointing Griffon The First Thing I See Every Morning Shirt 1d4 bludgeoning damage, but heals 1d4+1 Hp. It was supposed to be a funny way to bring characters back from unconsciousness by restoring a small bit of hp. Barbarians resist bludgeoning damage when raging. The healing rock became their go-to healing strategy for keeping the barbarian healed between fights. One time our DM gave us a Rod of Summon Boat as a joke except we rolled a nat 20 for the summon and got a whole ass galleon. The campaign quickly became pirate-themed as we became privateers. Maybe not exactly what you were looking for, but I’ve been looking for an excuse to tell this story.
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Gave the party a magic whistle that Wirehaired Pointing Griffon The First Thing I See Every Morning Shirt summons pigeons. The party somehow used it to murder an orc commander by turning his armor into bread, having the pigeons eat it all, and then shooting him in the face with a blast of lightning. I had a party of Wizard, Ranger, Druid, Summoner, and Barbarian back in Pathfinder 1e. All of the party members except for the barbarian had some kind of pet, be it an animal companion, familiar, or just the menagerie of animals the druid accumulated. A few sessions in, and my barbarian sends me a text while the party’s setting up camp. The barbarian volunteers to take a watch, and the next morning the rest of the party wakes up to the Barbarian’s new pet,
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