My aunt told me this Nurse Watercolor American Flag Heart Shirt story of these kids. She went to school with those who loved hanging out at the gravel piles in town. They would climb them after hours on occasion because it was fun and they were young and did not know any better. It was all fun and games until the gravel shifted and one of my aunt’s good friends fell into the gravel pile like quicksand. He suffocated. My aunt told me this story because I grew up on the outskirts of Houston Tx. And always thought the piles in the construction areas looked fun to climb. She is a very smart woman who taught me an important lesson when I needed it. I love you aunt Reanette!! I spent like half my childhood climbing up & playing on those giant piles of rock and dirt. It’s crazy.
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When you consider how many close calls you’ve probably had throughout your Nurse Watercolor American Flag Heart Shirt lifetime. When I was small we went on holiday to France. I remember watching a little boy, slightly older than me, digging a hole in the sand. It was really deep. Suddenly all the sand collapsed on him. All the adults rushed to dig him out. I think he was ok but it terrified me. Tylenol. It’s actually a lot easier to overdose on than most people realize, and it slowly destroys your liver over a period of days. Not a fun way to die to put it lightly. I had an abscess at 21 that I didn’t get treated until I was 28 due to a fear of the dentist, by that point, it was a root canal and an extraction and I now have a section of my jaw missing. Get it early and avoid this shit.
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